Introduction to Kelly the Physio

Overwhelmed By Choice….

I cant count the number of times I’ve sat down to write this Blog…

So Important the 1st one…

So many topics I’m passionate about….


Healthy choices..

Exercise its good for everything…

Getting Fit after 50…

If you run better you play better…

Headaches – getting one thinking about it all!

So many choices- so many directions I could go…

Then I thought (always dangerous!) I need to do what I tell my patients, my students, my mentorees & my husband..






The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.

(until today I didn’t know this principle was noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960- Live & Learn!)

After all it’s just an introduction.

But how do you simplify a 3-decade career & 5 decades of life in a few paragraphs or pages?

Breathe … then one choice at a time…

One paragraph at a time… one page at a time.

2020 was tumultuous for many people, for many the separation from friends and families by borders real or imaginary was painful. The loss of lives without being able to grieve or say goodbye as we normally can was heartbreaking.

Postponing weddings, having cancer treatment in ISO supervising kids schooling at home and wrapping our heads around Zoom, online meetings and work, even sourcing toilet paper.

Anxiety over jobs, paying the mortgage, staying cooped up being too nervous to go out… For many our minds were buzzing with noise…its no wonder that many of us felt overwhelmed.

For me Covid 19 highlighted a feeling of being undervalued and unfulfilled.

Sure, I was lucky – I live on a beautiful property with my husband and 3 dogs, I have a job (But that had become more of a chore), my family are generally well, with some scares and hospital stays (But we live over the border or across continents), my Friends are doing ok (But juggling kids in Yr 12 or 1st year Uni, parents unwell or passing away is tough)

Count your blessings – so my joy came from sunrises & sunsets, But I missed the wine & gossip – didn’t we all?

I like many have turned up at crossroads in my life having to make a choice. I’m pretty happy with the choices I have made so far – I’ve got to experience the world and made many friends along the roads travelled, met my husband Paul in Edinburgh and have had a pretty successful career spanning 3 continents.

2021 – Bring it on – Time to get rid of the Buts -Make a Choice!

So what’s next?

Decision made – Keeping it simple!


Fundamentally I am a Physio,

I enjoy helping people Feel Better…Be Better!

My aim is to offer “hands -on” physio for the Port Macquarie & Hastings Community and On- line Physio consultations for those anywhere in the world to feel better and fulfill their life & wellness goals.

Don’t just Survive ….but THRIVE in private practice –  The new initiative I am offering for Graduate Physiotherapists on The Mid North Coast to Be Better Physios.

And Fingers crossed I hope to continue tutoring the Future Physios at CSU!

So the journey began…

Simplifying the goals, setting out the steps…stop the procrastination and put pen to paper…refinement comes later!

After writing the few pages – and Paul doing the IT (designing & creating my webpage), I shared with a Friend & colleague for his opinion.  To my joy his words were “I like it a lot. Its genuine, from the heart. You’ll do great”. From his text to the universe – I am happy because he got me!

That is what you will get from me genuine care, simple steps to reach your goals and hopefully a few laughs and tall tales along the way.

My advice to anyone that wants to listen, quieten the noise by taking a breath, break down the challenge into small bites, cut out the extraneous. Take another breathe and get started!

I feel empowered again by rebuilding something new, from less and being inspired to make it of superior quality. Following the K.I.S.S principle is liberating!

Step by step trying to be Successful in Business & Successful in Life and hopefully helping a few others along their journey.

So I’m back doing me…..

Kelly the Physio


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